Monday 25 January 2010

Iguazu from Brazil ...


Today we crossed the border from Argentina into Brazil and saw the Falls from the Brazilian side. Whereas yesterday, we were very close to the falling water and could really hear and feel the thunderous noise, today we were a little farther back and could appreciate the sheer size, width and majesty of the Iguazu Falls.

Maria picked us up and we drove the few hundred yards to the border. There are 2 borders. One to leave Argentina and one to enter Brazil. The line representing the border between Argentina and Brazil runs down the centre of the Iguazu river. We stopped on the bridge over the river, had Brazil ahead, Argentina behind us and Paraguay, visible a little down the river to our left. The flagstones on the bridge are painted in the flags of the 2 countries and cleverly show the exact line of the border. Having cleared both sets of border checks, we continued to the Brazil side of the Park. We left the bus and started on our walk. It was absolutely one of the most spectacular walks imaginable. The trail brought right around the falls from the smaller falls to the largest. We were very lucky in that the river is currently at it's highest and the roar of the water is truely majestic. We saw some boats doing the same journey that we did yesterday. We were too far away to hear their screams, but I'm sure they were just as loud as ours were yesterday !

Here's Maria and me enjoying the view

Our friendly rainbow appeared again and gave an air of magic to the whole scene. We finished our walk with a ride in the lift which brings you back up to the top, had a lovely relaxed lunch on a terrace overlooking the water and had time to reflect on such a wonderful experience of the Falls from both sides.

Golf tomorrow at the Bourbon International across the border again in Brazil.

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